Xtraction-Ease Treatment Set
Save $11 when purchasing Preston Acne Pros Xtraction-Ease Exfoliating Masque and Xtraction-Ease Disincrustation/Activating Solution together.
Elevate your treatment offerings with the dynamic duo of our Xtraction-Ease Exfoliating Masque and the Xtraction-Ease Disincrustation/Activating Solution, and save time and money when you purchase these two powerhouses together! Our Xtraction-Ease set makes a perfect pre-treatment for use with the Preston Comedone Rxtractor®️! Get the best for your clients' skin today.
Xtraction-Ease Disincrustation/Activating Solution is an ideal step for optimal comedone extraction results, softening the skin and loosening impacted follicular blockages. Xtraction-Ease Exfoliating Masque gently sloughs off dead skin cells, stimulates collagen production and also helps to unclogs follicles. Our Xtraction-Ease set makes a perfect pre-treatment for use with the Preston Comedone Rxtractor®️.
Infused with a potent mix of papaya and pineapple enzymes, our products will make extractions easier and most importantly, leave skin smoother, brighter and more radiant.
After cleansing the skin mix 1 tsp of Xtraction-Ease Exfoliating Masque with 1 tbs Xtraction-Ease Disencrustation/Activating Solution in a small bowl with a mask brush until it creates a spreadable paste. Apply to skin and gently steam (or using a warm, moist towel) for 5-7 minutes. Remove thoroughly with warm water and re-apply Xtraction-Ease Disencrustation/Activating Solution on cotton pad, gently steaming for another 1-2 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then begin extraction procedure. Followup with application of cool water to relieve any post-extraction skin irritation, apply skin-type appropriate toner on cotton pad, then proceed with your current acne treatment protocol. Avoid contact with eyes.